Grice Consulting Group, as a subconsultant, assisted with the preparation of a comprehensive development plan for the Kensington MARTA Station and the adjacent county-owned property.
The planning process started with an extensive existing conditions analysis focused on: land use and zoning, environment, urban design, transportation, and demographics and markets. Next, the public participation process used a variety of tools, including a stakeholder committee, online image preference survey, three public meetings/workshops, and a project website. These tools allowed for a wide variety of stakeholders to contribute to the effort and vision. Lastly, the Team developed policy and project recommendations that are intended to proactively shape the future character of the area and provide short- and long-range actions to achieve the community’s vision.
Policy recommendations that were developed include general guidelines that provide direction to the implementation of the plan’s vision, including: promoting the redevelopment and rehabilitation of aging multifamily residential units; creating an overlay or form-based zoning code to facilitate redevelopment; promoting environmentally sound development patterns; creating a balanced transportation system that does not promote one form of travel at the expense of another; developing pedestrian-scale blocks in new development; and encouraging a mix of housing for different ages and incomes. Policy and project recommendations were presented in an implementation plan that provided phasing, timeline, costs, responsible parties, and funding sources.