DeKalb County, GA - Board of Health Master Active Living Plan (MALP)

The goal of the plans was to improve the integration of physical activity and other healthy behaviors into the daily routines of county residents. Through an intense public involvement and agency coordination effort, recommendations were made that:

  • Improved pedestrian/bicycle connections of activity centers to nearby neighborhoods, parks, schools, and other public facilities
  • Created a safer traveling environment for all modes of travel
  • Encouraged development with an emphasis on mixed-use, compact development, interconnected streets, multi-modal accessibility, and increased public space

These goals, along with community-specific aspirations that emerged from the public outreach process, were instrumental in guiding the plan for each of the study areas. Implementation action plans were prepared that identified specific health, land use/urban design and transportation related improvements that provided directions for short-term and longer-term implementation. A list of non-traditional funding sources was researched and provided to augment more traditional funding resources.