As a sub-consultant to TransCore, Grice Consulting Group is assisting with all stages of implementation of the newly acquired Advance Traffic Management System (ATMS). Software This installation will provide DDOT with existing operational features and advance capabilities of operating and maintaining its ATMS. The DDOT CapTOP ATMS is a tightly coupled combination of digital hardware and computer software integrated together, not unlike many other modern, 21st century ITS systems around the world. CapTOP is DDOT’s ATMS software utilized to manage and operate Intelligent Transportation System devices (cameras, traffic signals, changeable message signs, etc.) in the District.
DDOT has retained the TransCore team, including Grice Consulting Group to install its TransSuite ATMS software. This phased implementation includes the analysis of all neighboring agencies that may benefit from this technology. Additionally, Grice Consulting Group identified and facilitated the project Stakeholder’s Group, who has been engaged throughout the entire project to leverage partnership and data sharing initiatives. The overall ATMS software upgrade project includes identification of functional requirements, system requirements, architecture planning and design, software development, software testing,software implementation, software training for operators and system software documentation. The implementation of this “State of the Art” ATMS software has three (3) unique releases with additional features in each progressive release.